Fluoride Can Help Fix Enamel Erosion

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Tooth sensitivity can have a serious impact on your quality of life. While it can be caused by any number of issues, it is often related to or exacerbated by tooth enamel erosion. This is often the result of the natural bacteria living in your mouth and the consumption of acidic foods and beverages because they can deplete the mineral density of your tooth enamel. This encourages microscopic channels to form and extend down into the sensitive dentin layers of your teeth.

There is also the additional concern that teeth suffering from enamel erosion are more prone to tooth decay.

For teeth showing signs of enamel erosion, Dr. Bradley Dyer will often recommend a fluoride treatment. This can be done at the end of your dental checkup by pouring concentrated fluoride gel into a tray that you will hold in your mouth for a few minutes. Afterward, you should avoid eating or drinking to allow the fluoride to deeply penetrate the enamel of your teeth.

Your dentist might also prescribe fluoride supplements to help bolster the strength of your tooth enamel on a daily basis. This might come in the form of a concentrated fluoride toothpaste or mouthrinse. These can be applied to your teeth right before you go to bed to allow the fluoride to deeply saturate the microscopic pores in the tooth enamel.

If you live in the Sevierville, Tennessee, area and you’ve been struggling with tooth sensitivity, you should call 865-453-2731 to seek professional diagnosis and treatment at our dental office.